artek, arteknyc, contact
Artek Creative was founded in 2003 and is the studio practice of Andrew Thiele. It was built upon a passion of art & design and the culture of New York City. In over 15 years, he took that passion and established himself by making a large body of work with his distinctive style. He is recognized for his well-known brand collaborations within music, fashion, and entertainment.
Learn more      artek, arteknyc, contact
artek, arteknyc, contact, studio artek, arteknyc, contact artek, arteknyc, contact
artek, arteknyc, contact artek, arteknyc, contact artek, arteknyc, contact
artek, arteknyc, contact, signup
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
       Dedicated to the craft and the community it serves.
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
Artek Creative was founded in 2003 and is the studio
practice of Andrew Thiele. It was built upon a passion
of art and design and the culture of New York City. For
over 15 years, he has taken that passion and established
himself by creating a large body of work with his
distinctive style. He is recognized for his well-known brand
collaborations within music, fashion, & entertainment.
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
The studio is all about the passion
It is the intersection of work and play, art
and design. It is the passion for what we
do that this business was built on and what
keeps it going. The studio is the home of
that creativity and the place where we master
our craft to execute for the partners.php we serve.

artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
The practice is the commitment.
It's the act of getting up every day and doing
over and over. It is the obsession1 in the
challenges you find within your discipline
and the compulsion to be better at what you
do. The practice is what makes them great.
It is hard work. It is grit. It is our practice.

artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
Pepsi Co.
Foot Locker
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
image making
brand building
campaign creating
problem solving
art. design
and branding.
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar,artek email
artek, arteknyc, artekcreative, artekhome, homepage, studio, profile, services, timeline, thinking, visit, leader, andrew, thiele, andrewthiele, partners, calendar, artek instagram